Vinyl Plank Flooring

The affordable, green choice

Authentic wooden floors look amazing, but they’re a considerable investment in every sense of the word.

They’re costlier and require rigid maintenance and you’ll also need to take great care with them to avoid damage.

If you’d like the look and feel of authentic wood planks, but at a price and functionality better suited to your current lifestyle, why not look at Vinyl planking in Perth, such as the Signature Vinyl Planks from Perth’s Osborne Park Carpets and Timbers as an alternative?

Why choose Vinyl Planking Perth flooring?

Vinyl plank flooring looks exactly like genuine wooden flooring and it even comes in a variety of stains and finishes to imitate the real thing. However, this is where the resemblance ends.

You will experience the difference from the moment you decide to install it. It can be installed faster and easier than wood, instantly updating any room of the home or business. It’s also incredibly soft underfoot, which will make walking around comfortable. In addition, it has natural insulation properties that will ensure your house stays cooler in summer and warmer in winter.

If you’re worried that your family, children and pets will be too harsh for your flooring, worry no more. Unlike wood, vinyl flooring is very hard to scratch or stain, and is incredibly strong and durable. Dust will not penetrate it, and furniture cannot dent it either. The only cleaning it will need is a sweep and mop with a gentle household cleaner.

Because vinyl flooring is also completely waterproof, you could add it to any room of the home. A bathroom and kitchen with this type of flooring would look and feel very high-end and luxurious, sure to increase your home’s resale value.

The affordable, green choice

A huge advantage of choosing this type of flooring that cannot be overlooked is that it is incredibly environmentally friendly.

If you are creating the home of your dreams with a greater view towards having a minimum impact on the environment, then this is the material that you need to choose.

By choosing something that is less labour intensive and challenging to produce, you’ll enjoy substantial savings as well.

Browse the Perth’s Osborne Park Carpets and Timbers range of signature Vinyl Planking flooring today.

Visit our large showroom for a free measure and quote or call us

9242 5099

Studio Address

41 Sarich Court
Osborne Park Perth 6017
Western Australia

Tel. (08) 9242 5099

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Studio Hours

Monday to Friday
10:00am - 3:00pm or by appointment

© 2019 - Osborne Park Carpets & Timber

ABN 77 702 041 001